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Aiming to become globally active AI experts.

A3I: Asia Applied Artificial Intelligence

  • A3I: Asia Applied Artificial Intelligence” from University of Yamanashi has been selected by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan (MEXT) for its “Inter-University Exchange Project“, which is from Strategic Funds for University Education Revitalization in 2021.
  • University of Yamanashi (Japan), Hangzhou Dianzi University (China), Pukyong National University (Korea) and University of Malaysia Perlis (Malaysia) collaborate to develop the exchange program that takes advantages of each university’s unique characteristics. The objective is to nurture AI experts who can lead Society 5.0 and DX by bridging Asian countries with internationality, knowledge, and applied skills.

Master’s Dual Degree Program

  • This program was founded in September 2008 with the cooperation between University of Yamanashi (Computer Science and Engineering Course at Engineering Major, Integrated Graduate School of Medicine, Engineering, and Agricultural Sciences) and Hangzhou Dianzi University (School of Computer Science and Engineering) in order to promote further internationalization of education and joint research through student guidance on both sides.
  • Students receive guidance by faculty members from both universities and can obtain master’s degrees from both universities after one and a half years of study and research at Hangzhou Dianzi University and one year of study and research at University of Yamanashi.